Make a statement! The Business Website Package is a highly visual, impacting multi-page website. It is a diverse package that can offer solutions to growing businesses looking to progress into fututre-proof technology that is is both easy to navigate and provides an engaging experience for the user. The Business Website is a great way to connect with your audience(s) that is both mobile and tablet responsive across all devices including iOS (Apple), Android and Window applications.
Our Content Management System (CMS) and dashboard allows you or other users access via our easy to use front end site editor to update the website - text, images, the latest APPs or latest news/blog tools.
As with all Piston Projects, the software is feature rich and is supported by our 'On Demand technical support service
Bespoke Website Design
Mobile and Tablet Responsive
Multi -Page Website
Navigational Menu including Anchor Points
Address Book for Customers with Profiles
Multi Language and Currency
30 Payment Gateway's including PayPal and Stripe
Full Access to Piston image connected content library
Contact Forms (integrations tools)
Content Management System (CMS)
FREE Software Updates
Search Engine Optimised
FREE Domain Name
Includes Full Product SupportAccess to our Feature Rich APP Store
Analytic Reports direct to your inbox
Tracking & Reporting via Google Universal Analytics
Social media sharing Ecards for higher engagement
Three Months FREE Technical Support
Project Completion
Time Frame: 5 - 30 Working Days
* A Monthly Product Support Fee of £50.00 per month will be added. This will be invoiced to you on the 1st of each month